About us

Welcome to the Spectrum Cares

We are a dedicated group of GoodGuys who believe in making a positive impact on the lives of children with autism and sensory sensitivities. Our mission is to take the “stress” out haircuts in a supportive and understanding environment, tailored specifically to the unique needs of these children.

We understand that haircuts can be a challenging and overwhelming experience for children with autism and sensory sensitivities. The unfamiliar environment, loud noises, and physical sensations can cause distress and anxiety. That’s why we have made it our goal to create a safe and comfortable space where these children can receive haircuts with ease and understanding.

What makes Specturm Cares different?

Our team consists of experienced and compassionate barbers who take the time to listen to each child and their parents or caregivers, understanding their specific needs and preferences. By doing so, we can adapt our approach and techniques to ensure a positive and enjoyable haircutting experience.

Our aim is not only to provide a haircut but offer other resources such as educational materials, therapy sessions, and support programs for families, creating a holistic approach to their well-being.

Through our work, we hope to raise awareness about the needs of children with autism and sensory sensitivities, promoting inclusivity and understanding in the community. We are proud to be the good guys making a difference, one haircut at a time.


Do you have questions? Call or visit us.

(770) 552-7117

1020 Woodstock Rd. Ste. 2104
Roswell, GA 30075


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